
Governance, for our academies and for the Trust, is robust, rigorous and proportionate, providing professional support and challenge so that leaders strive to the limit of what is possible with a sharp focus on outcomes and excellence.

Transforming Lives Educational Trust is a company limited by guarantee and a charitable trust. Responsibility for the academies that make up our Trust, and for the funds we receive, is entrusted to the Trust Board.

Much of the work of the Board is delegated to committees; in particular, there is a separate committee for each of the academies which works as a Local Governing Board (LGB).

The Trust greatly values and supports the work of LGB and recognises the significant contribution that excellent local governance can make towards championing each academy and raising standards. But we recognise that governance volunteers have a lot of responsibility. So, to help, we have a clear system of governance, strong relationships between layers of governance, and proactive support and training.

Information about our Trustees can be found here.

Local Governing Boards 






Henry Hinde Infant School 

Henry Hinde Junior School 

Ashlawn School 

Houlton School 



 Statutory Information

The reason why I choose to come to Ashlawn is because of the choice of subjects.
6th Form Pupil