SEND & Inclusion

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Ashlawn School is a school in which the learning and teaching, achievements, attitudes and well-being of every young person matter. The approach to students with special educational needs and disabilities is set within the context of the Code of Practice 2015 and the aims of Ashlawn School. Regardless of age, ability or disability, all students are entitled to a varied education and should be provided with the support and opportunities to enable them to become lifelong learners.

Who co-ordinates provision for students with SEND at Ashlawn School?

Provision for students with SEND is co-ordinated by the SENDCo, Mr Dean Merrick who works in collaboration with the Inclusion team.

How can the SENDCo be contacted?

The SENDCO, Mr Dean Merrick, can be contacted via the main school telephone number or via email:

Telephone: 01788 573425 Ext. 508


The full ‘SEND information report’ (School Offer) and our ‘SEND Policy’ (further details of the SEND categories and how we show a graduated approach towards provision) can be found using the links below.

Information about Warwickshire’s Local Offer of SEND support is available at

For complaints relating to SEND please follow the complaints procedure. Complaints Policy