Students are reminded that they can access the following support in school:
- Talk to any trusted adult that works at Ashlawn
- Pop a note in the worry box outside the Student Services office
- Email: Ineedtotalk@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk
- Email: safeguarding@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk
- Talk to Lauren Hall at lunch or break time (her office is situated by the library)
- Talk to a Designated Safeguarding Lead
It is essential that all members of Ashlawn school take care of their wellbeing and mental health. Pupils will have the full support of our staff and will be supported both academically and pastorally to ensure their individual needs are met. Parent/carers can access support and guidance at any time from the school.
Additionally, there are a number of outside agencies who specialise in mental health and well-being that can be contacted for free and confidential support.