
The new Level 3 Business BTEC Extended Certificate offers an introduction to a vocational sector through applied learning. The BTEC National promotes applied learning that brings together knowledge and understanding (the cognitive domain) with practical and technical skills (the psychomotor domain).
This is achieved through learners performing vocational tasks that encourage the development of appropriate vocational behaviours (the affective domain) and transferable skills. Transferable skills are those such as communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are valued in both higher education and the workplace.

The Level 3 Business BTEC Extended Certificate consists of three mandatory units and one external unit.

The units are as follows:

  • Exploring Business (Internally assessed tasks set by teacher)
  • Developing a Marketing Campaign (assessed under supervised conditions)
  • Personal and Business Finance (2 hour examination)
  • Recruitment and Selection Process OR Investigating Customer Service (Internally assessed tasks set by teacher)

A variety of assessment methods are used – see above, which ensure that the qualification remains both interesting and challenging!


KS4 Business Studies

Business encourages our learners to be inspired, moved and changed by studying a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. It allows students to gain an insight into related sectors such as economics and accounting and appreciate the range of perspectives of different stakeholders in relation to business and economic activities. It prepares them to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career choices

In Year 10, we focus on marketing and enterprise and the students will complete their controlled assessment (worth 25% of their GCSE).

In Year 11, students cover Business and People (1 hour examination worth 25% of GCSE) and Production, Finance and External Business Environment (90 minute examination worth 50% of GCSE)


KS5 Business Studies

In Year 12 and 13, students study four themes:

  • Marketing and people (Year 12)
  • Managing business activities (Year 12)
  • Business decisions and strategy (Year 13)
  • Global business (Year 13)

Themes 1 and 2 enable students to gain an in-depth understanding of core business concepts, with the content of themes 3 and 4 building on these topics. Theme 3 and 4 extend breadth and depth of knowledge through focusing on business strategy and decisions, as well as exploring the global content in which modern businesses operate.  This focus readily prepares students for the three examinations that they will sit in the summer of Year 13.