Welcome to Ashlawn Sixth Form
Entry to Ashlawn Sixth Form
We reserve the right to make a decision about a student’s aptitude for a course of study based on them meeting the entry requirements for these courses. To enter Sixth Form you require 5 GCSE’s Level 4 and above including English or Maths.
16-19 Study Programmes guidance
Students follow a two year advanced programme of study, which can involve GCSE retakes in English or Maths, A level courses, applied vocational courses or a programme containing a combination.
Advanced level courses attract grades of the range A*-E, while Diplomas are graded Pass, Merit, Distinction and Distinction Star.
Ashlawn Sixth Form offers a personalised curriculum for all Year 12 and 13 students. Our flexible curriculum offers GCSE retakes, A level and BTEC qualifications ensuring that career options remain open and learning is our focus.
Students will take three or four subjects plus an enrichment qualification.
Our Sixth Form caters for all abilities so it is possible to mix GCSE retake qualifications along with A Level or National Diploma qualifications. For students with 5 or more A or A* or Level 7 – 9 equivalents GCSEs at Ashlawn Sixth Form it is possible for those students to take four A level subjects if they wish to do so.
We reserve the right to modify our curriculum provision to meet or respond to further legislative changes.
To view our admissions policies please click here
A message from the head:
It is with great pleasure and pride that I invite you to consider Ashlawn School Sixth form.
Our school motto of “our best, always” helps us to strive to become the best we can, supporting each other along the journey. Our well qualified and experienced teaching staff provide high quality learning experiences that allow our students to develop the skills and knowledge to succeed. We are proud to offer a broad and exciting range of over 30 subjects from both a traditional academic pathway alongside Level 3 BTEC qualifications. Students leave us with exam results that they are proud of, progressing onto their next step whether that be a university place, a high level apprenticeship or employment.
Our students flourish here, not just academically but personally. Our dedicated team provide opportunities for our 6th formers to act as ambassadors across the whole school, volunteering as peer mentors to younger students and organising charity and community events. Our 6th form students are proud to represent our school.
In November, Ofsted judged our 6th form to be a good provision, an award that demonstrates the quality of the teaching and the support and opportunities provided to our students. We have continued to look for how we improve our service to our students, and have for example introduced a ‘Passport’, enabling students to study independently at home in the afternoon. Our Trust values of nurturing potential, inspiring community and delivering excellence are demonstrated in the extra opportunities we provide, such as our Early Entry/Oxbridge programme and First Aid training.
We look forward to welcoming you to be part of our excellent facilities and opportunities, supporting you in your aspirations and developing you into rounded citizens of the future.
- Paul Brockwell
Our mission:
Ashlawn’s PURPOSE is to cause the students and adults of its community to develop into people who are confident, reliable, caring and successful, with the self-esteem to participate actively and responsibly in all aspects of life and for whom LEARNING will be a constant component of their life-style.
Our Vision:
At Ashlawn we believe that leadership and learning are inseparable: the moral purpose of each is to transform lives. Our intent is to cause leadership and learning for each and for all in an inclusive community where our goal is to become all that we can be in all aspects of life.
Why choose Ashlawn Sixth Form?
At Ashlawn we provide Academic success; the opportunity to go on to university, the chance to achieve an apprenticeship or support into paid employment. This is done through offering a stimulating and diverse range of course options with specialised teachers providing personalised learning. This will enable you to receive individualised support thus ensuring you reach your full potential.
There is a superb pastoral team which gives support and guidance because they understand and care about your needs in and out of lessons. We encourage you to grow and develop as an individual, learn about yourself and take part in an exciting enrichment programme.
“In the Sixth Form, lessons require students to take a great deal of responsibility for their own learning and critical thinking is emphasised”
Guidance and Support
The most important person you will work with in the Sixth Form is your form tutor. They will be your academic mentor and help you through the transition from school student to university student or employee. In Year 12 you will develop your study skills, broadening your education through an introduction to higher education. In Year 13 there is guidance through the UCAS process.
Sixth Form Handbook
You will be issued with a Sixth Form Handbook which will include details of day-to-day procedures, the student learning agreement and other useful information such as the dress code.
we have a high retention rate from the start of Year 12 to the end of Year 13 with a 95% retention figure in 2024
SubjeCt-Specific Advice:
Universities have very specific requirements, but the following may be important:-
Computer Science:
Mathematics is often required.
Mathematics is often required, particularly for courses with a large econometric element.
Mathematics and Physics are usually required. Further Mathematics is usually essential for Oxbridge applicants.
Law does not require any specific subjects, but does require very high grades in essay writing subjects such as English and/or History.
Chemistry is required. Mathematics or Physics A-level may be required.
Veterinary Medicine:
Chemistry is required, plus two other subjects for the Sciences and Mathematics.
You will need minimum Level 5 in Mathematics, English and Level 5s in Science at GCSE. Universities make offers on the basis of A-level predictions and GCSE grades; some interview.
University Entrance:
In addition to these requirements a growing number of universities also require students to sit pre-tests such as BMAT, LNAT, HAT and TSA. Applications can be enhanced by relevant work experience.
UCAS Guidance
A significant part of the guidance received in Year 12 and 13 will be about the UCAS process and applying to University. All applications are now made online with the school adding a reference and checking the application. Prospectuses from all the universities are available in the Sixth Form Centre as well as the library, which also has a number of other publications to help in the selection process. Specialist help is available for those students wishing to apply for Oxbridge as well as Medicine and Vet Science. Further guidance is available at www.ucas.com.
Money Matters:
There is a means tested Post 16 Bursary available for students who stay on in Sixth Form. The school also has a welfare fund which may be able to help with the cost of trips.
Careers Advice:
Although the majority of our students go to university, some progress into employment.
“Students value the guidance and advice they receive about future careers and educational opportunities”
Success … Success …
Successful people
We are very keen for you to continue developing the skills which are so highly valued by employers and universities. To fulfil this aim we offer a range of activities and opportunities beyond the subjects you have chosen to study.
Enrichment Activities
Ashlawn prides itself on the wide range of enrichment, Duke of Edinburgh and World Challenge activities offered. We encourage students to participate in the many activities on offer. Just some of these are outlined below. Don’t forget if there is something you want to do and it’s not here then ask.
Sixth Form Student Council: The democratically elected Sixth Form Committee is made up of 16 sixth-formers. They meet every 2 to 3 weeks to discuss all issues raised by either sixth formers or staff.
Young Enterprise Scheme: Students are encouraged to set up their own company and run it according to normal business practices for seven months. Students thoroughly enjoy the challenge and we have recently had a team in the national finals which took place at The Savoy in London.
Volunteering: For those students who have a little more non-contact time because of the nature of their studies there is an opportunity to help teachers in lessons either at Ashlawn or at local primary schools or nurseries.
Educational Visits: Educational visits are an integral part of many advanced level subjects and these include residential trips. Other visits combine education and recreational travel. Recent destinations have included India and Russia.
Reading Workshops: This is an opportunity to give something back to school by helping lower school pupils with their reading. Paired work such as this helps them to make rapid progress.
Work Related Learning and Activities: Gain experience of work in your chosen career or in preparation for your university course.
Additional Activities: There are opportunities to work with and support younger students. This is a valuable experience for students who are considering a career which involves working with or managing people.
World Challenge: An opportunity for a month long expedition to a developing country including trekking and charity work.
Choosing Universities
All of our students who apply to UCAS go on to University places that are carefully considered and chosen. We take students every year to the Open Day at the University of Birmingham, where students can experience ‘taster’ lectures in a wide variety of subjects. All students are encouraged to visit at least three universities to get a feel for their different options.
Birmingham University: AtoB
Students are given opportunities to consider a wide range of university options through our working relationship with Birmingham University and their AtoB programme. This programme enables our students to apply for a week long specialist subject summer school at the end of Year 12 and develops into specialised mentoring throughout Year 13 with study skills sessions given to our students by University lecturers.
Birmingham also offers Year 11 students at Ashlawn the opportunity to compete for university summer schools in the summer holidays, before the start of Sixth Form study. Each Ashlawn student who has won a place and been given these opportunities has enjoyed the experience, finding out about university places and academic life beyond school.
Sutton Summer School Trust
As a comprehensive school, our students are eligible to enter for Sutton Summer School places. These are week long Summer Schools at Oxford, Nottingham, Cambridge and Bristol Universities which offer our students a real insight into university life. Our students have to prepare for lectures by reading academic texts and experience first hand some of the leading academics in their subject.
University is not for everyone some students take an adventurous gap year while others secure apprenticeships, training with local and national employers. Our pastoral programme enables all of our students to make aspirational choices and informed decisions about their futures.
Our results have continued to improve with almost 100% of Ashlawn students passing at A2. The number of students achieving the highest grades is well above the national average and we have every confidence that this trend will continue in future years.
75% of our students go onto further study at University
15% secure a degree apprenticeship
10% opt for a gap year / employment to save for university study
The Sixth Form Team
General Sixth Form Enquiries: sixthformenquiries@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or you are concerned about anything on: 01788 573425 Ext 2
Mrs L Cunliffe, Head of Sixth Form: | sixthformenquiries@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk |
Mrs Bostridge, Head of Year 12 & 13: | sixthformenquiries@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk |
Mrs R Wilmot, Academic Mentor: | sixthformenquiries@ashlawn.tlet.org.uk |